Telecom Singapore Vs India

Continuing on the subject of blue tooths and wireless and wifi worlds -

Recently I read in India in the month of october alone around 4.7 million telephone subscribers added upto the mobile band wagon !

When I read this I was really astonished.

The population of Singapore is around 4.7 million may be ? And here the telecom providers vie day in and day out and trying to create almost 100% to the populace the telephone subscribers.

And India is adding that number in one month !!

Ofcourse populace of two differently geographical size countries cannot be compared. Also their economies are divergent as well.

The other statistics thats interesting about India is that its only 177 million telephone subscribers comapared to its populace of 1 billion plus which means only 10% of the population is covered by !!

So it appears a great potential for the Telecom market in the Indian Subcontinent ?

I hope the great Singtel or Starhub of Singapore take a look and see if they can chip into cash in ? or any of the world market telecom leaders also chip in ?

What the subcontinent in terms of cashin to the mega telecom providers could be in terms of per customer income of 10 US $ per month yet considering the market potential its a great opportunity that can be explored ?

Its not that Gold Rush happens only in past but the stories of Mcnna's Gold can be in different forms and colors !

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